

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

NXT Remote

Have a Lego NXT Mindstorms robot at home? Bored of programming, testing, and repeating the same stuff? Well now, you can control your NXT directly without programming.
Dont worry. this app is virus-free. Because I developed it =). But it can only control Motor movements. For sensors, Coming soon. I'll develop it later.

1.Pair device with NXT using bluetooth. (Google if u dont know how)
2. Open App, Click refresh and NXT name and battery level will appear.
3. Start Driving.


Download Link(APK 1.4MB) :NXTD.apk 

Thursday, 29 May 2014

PC games dead links.

Hey, im here to inform that almost ALL links in the "PC GAmes" section are dead. I cant do anyting to get them back up...cause i only posted the links. i dont own them. Good day :)

Monday, 24 March 2014

Xinput XBoX emulator.

Have you ever played a PC game that allows you to use a XBOX controller to play and you tried to use a cheap USB controller and it didnt detect the controller? well, there is a solution to that...Use this patch to make your controller (non xbox and Xinput controllers) work on games that can be played using XBOX and Xinput...

Download, Extract and ReadMe : ControllerPatch.rar

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Root Almost ALL ANDROID PHONES!!! (credit to Bin4ry) UPDATE v36

Bin4ry made a small script which is able to root ICS/JB phones. It uses a remount timing issue in Androids "adb restore" service. So normally it should work on nearly all ICS/JB devices, for some it won't but the idea may work in a slightly modded version. There is a case for Xperia T and Xperia S,P etc. phones, this phones run ICS but don't have android's native restore with adb, Sony has added a own custom "Backup&Restore" app, the script handles this cases too, just choose the correct option!

Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_v36: [New Root for some newer Xperias by cubeundcube]
supported devices (thanks RyokoN for collecting this infos):
bug 9950697
・Xperia Z C6603/C6602 10.3.1.A.2.67 / 10.3.1.A.2.74 / 10.3.1.A.0.244
・Xperia ZL C6502
・Xperia Tablet Z SGP311JP / SGP312 10.3.1.C.0.136
・Xperia V LT25i 9.1.A.1.140
・Xperia AX SO-01E 9.1.C.1.103
・Xperia Z SO-02E 10.3.1.B.0.256
・Xperia Tablet Z SO-03E 10.1.E.0.305
・Xpeira A/MIKU SO-04E 10.3.1.B.0.224 / 10.3.1.B.0.256
・Xpeira UL SOL22 10.2.F.3.81
・Xperia GX SO-04D 9.1.C.1.103

・Above devices/firmwares
・Xperia Z1 C6903 14.1.G.1.534
・Xperia Z Ultra 14.1.B.1.532
・Xperia UL SOL22 10.3.1.D.0.220
・Xperia SX SO-05D 9.1.C.1.103
・Xperia VL SOL21 9.1.D.0.401
・Xperia miro ST23i 11.0.A.5.5
・Xperia J ST26i 11.2.A.0.33
・Xperia L C2105 15.3.A.0.26
・Xperia E C1505 11.3.A.2.23

NOTE: If you have problems downloading, please use: http://unrestrict.li/
Mirror 1 Uploaded.to : Click

For Xperia S 2.55 Firmware look in this thread: XDA Developers

1.) Download attached file.
2.) Extract it using 7zip
3.) Double click the RunMe.bat and follow instructions!
Xperia phones with "older" firmware = Normal mode
Sony Tablet and similar = Special mode
Xperia phones with JB Firmare = Mode 3 (Goroh_kun mode)

Confirmed devices:
Sony Xperia : S, T, P , Acro S, Ion , Tipo , Tablet S, Go, Sola, U, Z, ZL
Google: Nexus 7 [UK Firmware] (thanks Paul O'Brien for test) [seems some firmwares to work and some don't, as i dont have this device myself i would appreciate reports with FW-versions]
XTouch: X401
Jiayu G2-S thanks txakar
LG: P705 thanks mariolcneto, P7510 thanks fdothivanka
HTC: One S thanks sebagsm, Sensation XL [ICS 4.03] thanks Koate via PM, Sprint's OTA ICS update on Evo3D seems incompatible, Desire S thanks to Krayt via PM
Kyocera: Rise & Hydro thanks jmztaylor
Samsung: Galaxy S2 thanks danroob
Some more:
Ainol: Novo 7 Tornado 7 thanks anoperson
Prestigio: MultiPad PMP5197D 9.7 ULTRA thanks logofreax
HDC: I9300 S3 clone thanks PMmshprojects

Monday, 25 March 2013

Cara Register IDM Untuk Selamanya!

[Credit to XLAWS for this tutor] Cara2 register IDM tanpa menggunakan Crack, keygen yg bervirus... (Working for unregistered IDM only)
1. Mula2 pergi ke C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
2. copy file hosts tu ke desktop dulu sebagai backup.
3. dan open file hosts kat desktop tadi tu pakai notepad.
4. jarak 1 line (tekan enter skali)
5. copy+paste nih: tonec.com www.tonec.com registeridm.com www.registeridm.com secure.registeridm.com internetdownloadmanager.com www.internetdownloadmanager.com secure.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror.internetdownloadmanager.com mirror2.internetdownloadmanager.com

dah masokkan selepas tu save.


 Lepas tu open IDM mesti ada keluar benda registration kan??
 Masuk je maklumat seperti dibawah ni.
First Name: aaa
Last Name: bbb
Email: aaabbb@yahoo.com
Serial Number: UVQW0-X54FE-QW35Q-SNZF5

Berjaya 100% kan? =D
[Credit : XLAWS] [xlawsknowledges.blogspot.com]

Monday, 23 July 2012

Smiley time !! : facebook chat icons :D

hye :D im gonna show you how to make facebook chat icons :D    
(an example of an icon)

how to make it:

go to smileyti.me


PC games. :D free :DD

games download for free no survey :D credit to boxxers for uploading.... password for every game is boxxers (note : to find a game, click CTRL+F and type the name of game.)

Endless Space

Crack - 
1. Extract iso with winrar or 7-Zip
2. Mount iso to any virtual cd program
3. install the game
4. Play and Enjoy

Spec Ops The Line - Black Box

http://f520de25.linkbucks.com....MORE, NEED MORE...