

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Root Almost ALL ANDROID PHONES!!! (credit to Bin4ry) UPDATE v36

Bin4ry made a small script which is able to root ICS/JB phones. It uses a remount timing issue in Androids "adb restore" service. So normally it should work on nearly all ICS/JB devices, for some it won't but the idea may work in a slightly modded version. There is a case for Xperia T and Xperia S,P etc. phones, this phones run ICS but don't have android's native restore with adb, Sony has added a own custom "Backup&Restore" app, the script handles this cases too, just choose the correct option!

Root_with_Restore_by_Bin4ry_v36: [New Root for some newer Xperias by cubeundcube]
supported devices (thanks RyokoN for collecting this infos):
bug 9950697
・Xperia Z C6603/C6602 10.3.1.A.2.67 / 10.3.1.A.2.74 / 10.3.1.A.0.244
・Xperia ZL C6502
・Xperia Tablet Z SGP311JP / SGP312 10.3.1.C.0.136
・Xperia V LT25i 9.1.A.1.140
・Xperia AX SO-01E 9.1.C.1.103
・Xperia Z SO-02E 10.3.1.B.0.256
・Xperia Tablet Z SO-03E 10.1.E.0.305
・Xpeira A/MIKU SO-04E 10.3.1.B.0.224 / 10.3.1.B.0.256
・Xpeira UL SOL22 10.2.F.3.81
・Xperia GX SO-04D 9.1.C.1.103

・Above devices/firmwares
・Xperia Z1 C6903 14.1.G.1.534
・Xperia Z Ultra 14.1.B.1.532
・Xperia UL SOL22 10.3.1.D.0.220
・Xperia SX SO-05D 9.1.C.1.103
・Xperia VL SOL21 9.1.D.0.401
・Xperia miro ST23i 11.0.A.5.5
・Xperia J ST26i 11.2.A.0.33
・Xperia L C2105 15.3.A.0.26
・Xperia E C1505 11.3.A.2.23

NOTE: If you have problems downloading, please use: http://unrestrict.li/
Mirror 1 Uploaded.to : Click

For Xperia S 2.55 Firmware look in this thread: XDA Developers

1.) Download attached file.
2.) Extract it using 7zip
3.) Double click the RunMe.bat and follow instructions!
Xperia phones with "older" firmware = Normal mode
Sony Tablet and similar = Special mode
Xperia phones with JB Firmare = Mode 3 (Goroh_kun mode)

Confirmed devices:
Sony Xperia : S, T, P , Acro S, Ion , Tipo , Tablet S, Go, Sola, U, Z, ZL
Google: Nexus 7 [UK Firmware] (thanks Paul O'Brien for test) [seems some firmwares to work and some don't, as i dont have this device myself i would appreciate reports with FW-versions]
XTouch: X401
Jiayu G2-S thanks txakar
LG: P705 thanks mariolcneto, P7510 thanks fdothivanka
HTC: One S thanks sebagsm, Sensation XL [ICS 4.03] thanks Koate via PM, Sprint's OTA ICS update on Evo3D seems incompatible, Desire S thanks to Krayt via PM
Kyocera: Rise & Hydro thanks jmztaylor
Samsung: Galaxy S2 thanks danroob
Some more:
Ainol: Novo 7 Tornado 7 thanks anoperson
Prestigio: MultiPad PMP5197D 9.7 ULTRA thanks logofreax
HDC: I9300 S3 clone thanks PMmshprojects

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